Sunday, February 8, 2009

Matt Hand on TV

I saw Matt Hand (otherwise known as "Dr. Hotty") on TV Sunday night!!

He was on TLC in a documentary about Shiloh Pepin, one of only three survivors of sirenomelia or Mermaid syndrome worldwide.

Matt, the show was priceless!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jackie,
    I am glad you saw it. I would have responded sooner but was having a bit of a time getting this blogging thing to work! It is an amazing story. TLC and DiscoveryHealth has been running it quite a bit. They want to possibly do a follow up. I can't believe how many people have seen it! I have been getting calls from all over the place and people have been stopping me "saying aren't you that guy with the mermaid girl?" Thanks for recognizing it and will try to write more now that I have figured it out!

