Friday, February 27, 2009


Hi All,
Sorry about the delay in sending in a blog. I had the hardest time getting this thing to work. Hope all are well. I am sure everyone is busy. If anyone is interested we will be having a conference here in Maine the first weekend in May. The Maine AAP is having their spring conference on CAM/IM in peds. A lot of it will be things many of you already know but it should have some interesting discussions since it is going to be in the "mainstream" rather than primarily an IM crowd. It is being held in a nice resort nestled in the western mountains of Maine. Definitely good chi! If you may be interested, E-mail me and I will forward the brochure. I miss seeing you all and reading all the responses during the fellowship. Take care and will try to write more.



  1. I forgot to add that I am going to try and get to the Nutrition conference the following week. One of my partners is going to be gone at that time doing peds nephrology in Africa for a few weeks but I am going to try and get away.


  2. Anonymous2/3/09 18:36

    I wish I could come...not sure if I can get away that weekend! I hope you have a great turnout...maybe a springboard for more Peds CAM meetings!

